So, this is my first post in english. And maybe a part of preparing to the oral exam.I had a dream about it. It was awful... I didn't know anything but the teacher tried to help me ,and asked me to repeat what she said and that was the exam..
It's 9:46 AM and im here and do the big nothing. I think i'll start learning at 12:00. I have 6 literature and 6 history and then an R.E and i have to learn some Grammar, too. We thought,that the grammar-part of the exam takes just 5 points, but out form teacher told us its not... So i think it takes more than 5... and im not so happy about it.
I cannot loose more than 5 points,because if i do, i can say bye-bye to the dream-college. I hope this dream can come true.... i don't have big dreams and i never had, but now this is the only one.. :( i think i can do it, but everything happens for a reason and i believe in it, but ....
Na jó, hagyjuk... ne igazán tudom kifejezni minden érzésemet angolul. :D Szóval jah... nagyon durva lenne ha nem vennének fel... szerintem egy világ omlana össze bennem és minden rosszra fordulna. Főleg, hogy a lányokat biztosan felveszik és majd én leszek az egyetlen akit nem... Nem szeretnék az lenni, akit nem vettek fel. A magyaron nem veszíthetek 5 pontnál többet, szóval az irodalmon kívül erősen rá kell hajtani a nyelvtanra is ha mégsem csak 5 pont.
SZóval jah...jelenleg agybaj ez az egész,de holnapután VÉGE
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